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Supporting Ukrainian Students: INCLUDE ME+ and Solidarity in Ireland


Amidst global challenges, Ireland stands in solidarity with Ukrainian students affected by conflict. Explore how INCLUDE ME+ is supporting Irish higher education institutions in welcoming Ukrainian students, both within Ukraine and as refugees. Discover the role of mediation in media practices to amplify peace-building narratives and strengthen the resilience among Ukrainian students studying in Ireland.

In the face of ongoing conflict and humanitarian crises, including the recent conflict in Ukraine, solidarity and support from the international community are crucial. INCLUDE ME+, a collaborative initiative across Europe focused on inclusion, participation, and peace-building through digital media, is demonstrating its commitment to solidarity by supporting Ukrainian students, both within Ukraine and as refugees seeking safety in Ireland. This blog explores how INCLUDE ME+ is making a difference in the lives of Ukrainian students and encouraging solidarity in Irish higher education.

Read More: Ireland’s International Response to the War in Ukraine

The Ukrainian Crisis and Educational Disruption

The conflict in Ukraine has had devastating consequences, including the disruption of higher education for thousands of Ukrainian students. Many universities in conflict-affected areas have been forced to suspend classes or operate under dangerous conditions, leaving students uncertain about their academic futures. In response, international support and solidarity have been vital in providing opportunities for these students to continue their education in safer environments.

Read More: War in the Ukraine: Reshaping the Higher Education Sector.

INCLUDE ME+ and Higher Education Support

INCLUDE ME+ is actively supporting Ukrainian students by collaborating with Irish higher education institutions to offer opportunities for academic continuity and support. Through partnerships with universities and organisations, the project facilitates enrollment, accommodation, and integration support for Ukrainian students seeking refuge in Ireland. This initiative not only provides a lifeline for students affected by conflict but also promotes solidarity and compassion within the Irish academic community.

Read More: Irish Education and Supports Provision for Displaced Ukrainians

Integration of Mediation for Peace-building

Central to INCLUDE ME+'s support for Ukrainian students is the integration of mediation techniques into educational practices. Mediation in media and communication studies helps students explore and amplify narratives of peace-building and reconciliation. By empowering Ukrainian students with these skills, INCLUDE ME+ contributes to their ability to engage positively in societal dialogue and promote understanding across cultural divides.

Promoting Cross-Cultural Understanding

INCLUDE ME+ encourages cross-cultural understanding and dialogue between Irish and Ukrainian students through collaborative projects and cultural exchanges. These initiatives make space for empathy, mutual respect, and solidarity among students from different backgrounds. By creating opportunities for interaction and learning, INCLUDE ME+ cultivates a supportive environment where Ukrainian students feel welcomed and valued within the Irish higher education community.

Read More: Community Integration Initiatives Across Ireland

Collaboration with Civil Society and Support Networks

INCLUDE ME+ collaborates closely with civil society organisations and support networks in Ireland to ensure comprehensive support for Ukrainian students. From language assistance to mental health support and legal advice, these partnerships provide holistic support to help students navigate challenges and rebuild their lives in Ireland. The project also raises awareness about the Ukrainian crisis and advocates for continued international support for education in conflict-affected regions.

Read More: Community Integration Initiatives Across Ireland for Migrants

Impact on Irish Higher Education and Society

The impact of INCLUDE ME+'s solidarity efforts extends beyond individual students to enriching the cultural and educational diversity within Irish higher education. Ukrainian students bring unique perspectives and experiences that contribute to academic discourse and promote global citizenship among their Irish peers. This exchange of knowledge and understanding enables a more inclusive and interconnected community within Irish universities.


INCLUDE ME+ exemplifies the power of solidarity and collaboration in supporting Ukrainian students and promoting peace-building through education. By integrating mediation techniques and encouraging cross-cultural understanding, the project not only supports academic continuity but also contributes to building resilient and inclusive communities in Ireland. As INCLUDE ME+ continues its mission, it reinforces the importance of international cooperation and compassion in addressing global challenges and supporting those affected by conflict.

In summary, INCLUDE ME+ is a beacon of solidarity in Irish higher education, supporting Ukrainian students and ensuring a culture of inclusion and peace-building through education. Through practical support, educational opportunities, and cultural exchange, the project embodies the spirit of solidarity and compassion, demonstrating the positive impact of international collaboration in times of crisis.

Written by

Laura Magan

Project Manager

Momentum, Ireland
